Friday, 18 November 2016

Keeping Sane and Stress-Free at University

If you're a university student and you're not stressed you're either doing it really right, and I commend you, or really wrong. I personally find myself getting more and more stressed as the year goes by, and admittedly I'm not the best at dealing with it, but I wanted to share some of my tips and tricks, so that at least I might start taking my own advice.

1. Get organised

This is fairly self explanatory. I'm incredibly guilty of leaving all of my work until the last minute and then getting myself worked up and stressed out about it, it could even be argued that me writing this blog post is just a way for me to procrastinate. But I don't think I'm the only one with this problem. It's only this past week or so that I've really got my head down and I've even surprised myself at how productive I've been. It has really made me regret not having this mindset from the beginning because I know if I had I would be in a much better place both mentally and with my workload. It's such a good idea to plan when exactly you're going to complete what tasks so a good diary is really important (says the girl who's yet to buy one) and try and complete work as soon as it's set. Basically, just do it.

2. Take a break

After having said all that about working hard, it's just as important to give yourself time to unwind. If you are constantly doing work in and out of university you'll only drive yourself crazy. Also you need to reward yourself for all the hard work you've been doing, just don't get carried away. My favourite things to do are to watch an episode of my current Netflix obsession, Archer (would 100% recommend) or if I'm feeling particularly edgy, a bath is the perfect thing to help me relax (lush bath bomb is not required but definitely recommended). I also like to light candles when I'm doing work in my room because it completely changes the atmosphere. Giving yourself half an hour to relax and get away from work honestly does wonders.

3. Mate dates

Slightly related to the point above, it's important to remember that your friends are there for a reason, whether it be to listen to your problems or to help you forget them, and chances are they're feeling the same way. Quite often, you're friends are also your flat mates so there's always going to be someone around you can talk to, unless you're me and they all have way better social lives. I'm not the best at talking about my feelings, but sometimes you just have to admit defeat. But like I said, you don't always need to talk, you can have a flat film night or all go out together. Life at university is so fast paced for everyone, and it's hard to see people as often as you like, but you can always make time if you really want to, and having one big catch up is always a ball.  I am a massive fan of coffee and cake, probably too much so, but feel free to give me your Leeds recommendations anyway!

4. Get out

Even just a change of scenery can improve your stress levels massively. If you've been working away in the library all day, maybe go to an internet cafe or walk home and work at your desk. I hate being stuck inside, and even just the fresh air can refresh me and make me feel motivated to keep going.

I'm definitely no expert but I thought some of these ideas might help with keeping yourself sane. It's impossible to avoid stress completely, but a lot of it we bring on ourselves, or at least I do but now I suppose I have no excuse not to follow my own advice, and neither do you..If all else fails, grab a cuppa, stick on some feel good tunes, and remember that everything will be okay.

Votre Amy